unlockedYears ago, simple passwords or short passwords kept most of our online information somewhat safe.  However today Hackers use sophisticated “script kitties” that explore millions of combinations to crack into email accounts.  Today passwords must be longer  and stronger to prevent discovery.

That is why we at WestPA.net have been working to strengthen user passwords one by one.  This is a lengthy process but is totally necessary in today’s Internet environment.

If you want to create your own secure password before you call us (or before we call you) here are WestPA.net’s requirements:

1. No names, dictionary words, or any personal information.   ( tom1 or pass123 )

2. Not a transformation of a word, like replacing an “I” with a “1” or putting punctuation before or after a word.     (  p2ssw0rd  )

3. Must be at least 8 characters long.  Include at least one of each; Upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.     (  Tg3$6M9&  )

If all that seems too complicated here is a simple method to create a complex password that you can remember.  Make a sentence that is easy for you to remember.  Then use the first letter of each word and punctuation to form your password.

 Some Examples:

 Do we love Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?                         DwlB&Jic?

 I have the best 2 grandchildren in the USA!            Ihtb2gitU!

 We have 2 children; Mary & Sally!                            Wh2c;M&S!

If all that fails to help, you can always call WestPA.net at 726-9462 and we will create a secure password for you.  Then you can rest easy knowing that your password will withstand hacking attempts.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: WestPA.net will NEVER NEVER  NEVER send you an email asking for your email address or password.  We have it, so why would we need to ask you for it?  REMEMBER… the most secure password is worthless if you give it away to a hacker’s phishing scheme.